Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Great Debate in the 53rd

We had a debate in the California 53rd Congressional District on Monday night, the 21st. I wanted to write something but just received the email below from Woody Woodrum and the response from Stephanie Jahn (pronounced like my first name). I can't say it any better other than to state that it brought clarity to me. The clarity was that the concept that we can win elections on the grassroots level was achievable. We can do this, we can win and we will triumph. Merry Christmas to all. Please, once again, listen to the podcast. The actual debate was professional and the venue was great...we put on a great show. Indendence Caucus and Eagle Forum ROCK!!!!


Here is the podcast:

Sent: Tue, December 22, 2009 1:16:38 PM
Subject: Re: [republican-512] EFSD & I-Caucus Sponsored Candidate
Forum / debatetonight; WOW!!!!!

The Debate will be aired and then save to the
podcast. It was wonderful to have the turnout we did,
the Candidates were very good, you got a strong sense
for who they were and where they stood. Thank you to
those who were able to make it, and I encourage those who
were not to listen to the show! Woody it was a genuine
pleasure to partner with Eagle Forum, thank you for your
caring support and continued patience as I grow and learn
about things. It hit me this morning that We The People
put on a debate, not the Party not some big company, but
the concerned citizens of the 53rd. We are taking back

Country and we will bring our Government back to the
people. All you have to do is DO IT! Not to big
to fail, and not to small to make a difference! The
American way!!!

God Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas!

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 03:05:30-0500To:
>Subject: [republican-512] EFSD & I-Caucus

Sponsored Candidate Forum / debate tonight; WOW!!!!!

Eagle Forum San Diego (
and Independance Caucus (
sponsored a candidate forum tonight at the Vetrerans
Museum featuring candidates from the 53rd Congressional
district. This debate is part of the vetting process
for the 2 organizations to help allow their member and
the public get to know the candidates who want to
represent the conservatives in the district.

The 3Ms included Mason Weaver, Matt Freidman and
Michael Crimmons running in the 53rd Congressional

The event was moderated by KCBQs (AM1170) Rick Amato who, as always,
did a fabulous job. Rick will broadcast the debate on his show tomorrow night and put it up on pod cast for those who missed it. I hope everyone listens to Rick's show tomorrow night or the pod cast when they're

Other candidates I recall in attendance tonight to watch the action included Nick
Popovitch, Bruce Ruff, Christine Rubin and Larry Naritelli. Jay LaSuer, Jerry Kerr and Lori Zaph called to inform us they had other events tonight and would be
unable to attend.

Eagle Forum San Diego and the local chapter of Independance Caucus want to thank all the patriots of our organizations, Dawn Wildmans' Tea Party Coalition,
our 512 meetup group, Republican Party representatives, Women Federated, North County Conservatives, CRA, NRA, Gun Owners, SCORE, Salt and Light Council, Mens Center, and others who I know I'm missing out of the more than 100+ in attendance. Thank you all who showed up right before Christmas to participate and be good informed citizens. Many people apprached me and let me know they were walking away with a better understanding of the men running who want to represent the conservatives in San Diego's 53rd Congressional district. We heard some interesting things tonight and learned a lot about the candidates.

And a special thanks to a man I'm proud to call my friend; New York Myke, who
inspired us all and wrapped up the meeting as only he can with his special brand of conservatism.

Woody Woodrum
President Eagle Forum San Diego

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