Sunday, September 27, 2009

Change – real change?

Well, here he is again folks. The "Ghost Writer Extraordinaire". I always look forward to his rants. They seem to me to be well thought out and in depth. Tell us what you think also.

Have you all seen what has been going on! American’s have sounded off and obviously want change, but it doesn’t seem to be the change American’s want that the politician’s have in mind for us. The message does not seem to be sinking in to our representatives in Washington, D.C.

We have elections coming up next year. I only see one problem with this. My perspective on this is the following – everyone who is up for election should be ousted and replaced in Washington and locally where ever you are. They no longer deserve the honor of representing the American people. Republican’s or Democrat’s, whoever, it doesn’t matter, they have obviously lost touch with there constituents and are not following what the voters want to happen. The problem we now have is many of those running for office to replace those in office now are of the same caliber. Seeking to be professional politicians, jumping from one office to the next. Professional politicians are the last thing we need. Every American needs to really scrutinize everyone running for office. I think we now should not be voting specifically for Republican’s or Democrat’s but whoever seems to be the right person to represent us regardless of their political party. We just need to get them out of there after at the most 8 years. Let new blood in, new ideas and perspectives, but American perspectives.

One problem I see is the simple fact it has become too expensive for a normal everyday guy or gal to get elected in today’s world. A normal person with an itch to do some good can’t win, unless they find someone to bankroll them and obviously that is no good, going into office owing someone other than America. We need to figure out a way to get the little guy into office if they want to run and serve. The rich obviously have not done all that great a job for us. Someone with a real want to serve and help, someone who wants to change things, not for their own benefit but for the benefit of the American people should be allowed to run and compete with well funded folks.

I firmly believe anyone who has served in elected office for 8 years in Washington has been there too long and needs some new scenery, and not there. Term limits are great but most of these folks just run for another office. A professional politician, what kind of crap is that. We need to get some fresh talent. Obviously these well seasoned and experienced politicians have not done to well for us.

Right now the government seems to be focusing on health care and little else. I thought we were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Are we now out of it? Is health care going to get us out of the recession? I don’t think so. Is it possible that Healthcare and a public option may make things worse? Keep in mind folks we got into this mess through our elected officials actions or inactions. If anyone hasn’t noticed government intervention is not something to crave or want in any area of life other than what was drafted in the constitution. Obviously there is a need for the government for certain things.

But look at there track record. Medicare and Medicaid are not sustainable, Social Security is not sustainable. The Postal Service does not seem to be sustainable. I remember when the Postal Service was the one thing in the government that actually made money, what happened? Yeah, I know technology.

Remember Bernie Madoff. Numerous governmental agencies were made aware of this scam years before it was brought to light. They all dropped the ball. This seems to be more of a trend for the government. Action taken after the damage is done. Knee jerk reactions. Keep in mind I am not asking for government intervention in everyday American lives but law enforcement and the other numerous regulatory agencies should have spotted this one with an in depth investigation or an investigation of any sort.

Here’s an idea, how about limiting the amount of money that can be spent on an election? This could allow others to enter the race. With technology today millions could be reached with the press of a button. Public debates, the internet all should be used more.

One light at the end of the tunnel. American’s seem to be getting involved more and more now. Taking more notice of what is going on around them. There seems to be a spark which may turn into a glowing ember and then possibly a fire, but it has to be sustainable. As Americans we can not sit on our behinds anymore. We need to be active and correspond with our politician’s more. Our politician’s need to be more responsive and I believe they should be more active in keeping in touch with their constituents. Not just watching the polls. How about coming out and seeing what is going on in America, not flying over it.

I know in California there is a movement to try to get a measure on the ballot to turn the full time Legislature into a part time one. I think this is a great idea and would be a good thing for California. If it happens it may be a wake up call for the rest of the nation. Do we really need to have a full time nanny Legislature trying to invent and propose programs for everything spend money on everything or regulate everything? I don’t think so. Let’s turn our full time nannies in Sacramento into part time California politicians. This might be a real sustainable change for California. You never know maybe less governmental intervention may be just what the doctor ordered. Maybe we can turn California into the Golden State again, instead of the setting sun state.

Heck American we have to make the change, get out there, research the candidates running, question the candidates and get out and vote!

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