Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Obama Trauma

Ok, I just saw the scariest video ever. I want you also to see it. If you don't know the full implication of this it is that this is the first indication of what Obama is capable of. The Inspectors General are a group of people that oversee government institutions and assure that the great sums of money they receive is spent honestly. They keep everyone honest. Last year (2008) a law was passed that states that they can only be fired by the President with a 30 day notice and "cause". Obama went to Congress, told them he was firing him but no cause was given. Only that he had lost confidence in Walpin.

I hope this one gets hauled up the flag pole...obviously not on the mainstream media but over the internet, through your Tea Party Groups and over the talk radio circuit.

God Bless America and save us from Obama Trauma. I know it's long but it's important. Watch it!

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