Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, I'm back. I have been fighting a bad case of "what the heck now??? where do I go?? in what direction do I go??? and more than anything do I have the energy to continue???". I am now convinced that this is a disease that can and has been more devastating than the Swine (oh, excuse me, the h1n1 virus) Flu ever could be. Declare Stage 5 on me, but I'm getting better. As a matter of fact I'm pretty great right now. I just found out that I have two comments that have been waiting for me to moderate (thanks Shawn), I may be starting a newsletter with my email/Tea Party Buddy and the leader of our Tea Party (let's give it a shameless plug as Michael Medved would say) My Tea Party Buddy is Laura and we have very similar experiences I believe, in that we had lost that strong patriotic feeling (or at least I had) that was so exhilarating right before April 15th and after Sept 12th.

So, what is different now? As I said the prospect of starting a newsletter is really getting my juices going right now. I feel that my direction and clarity about what I want to do with this blog and my political life seems to be experiencing a shifting of tides. I am evolving into a more determined action. I'm not sure, ever, what is going to come out on these pages and I struggle with that. I am determined to continue regardless. My mind is to be trusted, not my skills...they will come along for the ride.

The first 100 days. What a mess!!!! Obama is sooooo smooth isn't he. He could smooth out the face of a Sharpei...but do you believe him. Well I DON'T!!! Let's see. He has trotted out at least 3 candidates with tax problems...I get it now...redistribute the wealth means everyone but my people! Sham! The spendulus that was a great idea...let's print about a trillion dollars, spend it on the government, tell everyone that it will create jobs and then someone else (our children and grandchildren and probably great grandchildren) can hopefully pay for it!!! No new taxes for anyone but the top 5% (oh yeah, and his guys)...wait for it...oh yeah, gas tax, cigarette tax, highway tax, etc...and we haven't even started talking about Scharzeneggar's boondoggle.

Kathleen Sebelius - HHS - Strong Pro Life Positions
Howard Koh - HHS - Transnationalist...luckily not confirmed yet
Janet Napolitano - DHS - Interesting...was he thinking when Obama made this move????
Tim Geithner - Treasury - Mr. Too Important to Fail
***Oh, let's not go on with get the idea.

The many faux pas' al0ng the way. I won't list them all but here are a few:

--The bow to the King of Saudi Arabia.
--The handshake with Chavez.
--The Apology Tour during the G20 Summit.
--The refusal to meet with Sarkozy to visit Normandy.
--Letter to Iran.
--Closing of Gitmo, but where does he want to release them...maybe your neighborhood??
--Nationalizing the banking industry.
--Nationalizing the auto industry.

Finally, I don't want to say that he hasn't accomplished anything. On the contrary, he has accomplished a tremendous amount but he, in my opinion has made a huge mistake. He did not do this while being transparent, bi-partisan and giving everyone a chance to read and examine legislation proposed and that is the GREAT MISTAKE. He lied and 63% of the people out there don't care right now. Well, 47% get it and this percentage will rise once his actions kick in. Will it be too late then? I don't know, you tell me. I pray it isn't.


  1. I am re-invigorated too. One thing I have come to understand/believe is that this will be a marathon, not a sprint.

    At first I was (and still am) so FREAKED OUT over the damage the spending and big government is doing to America that I felt like "we have to stop them, we have to stop them NOW!" I do still believe the damage is serious and severe, and that the Federal Government is making our economic and liberty situation WORSE not better -- but I also believe that this IS HAPPENING and we probably cannot stop it right this second. But as we go through this, we can continue to reach out to other Americans who have not NOTICED what is going on right beneath their noses, and continue to engage and educate them. We need to help people see that Liberty will improve more lives than Big-Govt-Tyranny. That our founding fathers designed the constitution and our government to work IN HARMONY with human nature and it brings out the best in people. Whereas oppressive government brings out the worst. The tide will change again, for the better, and when it does, Americans will be ready to get back to the basic form of government that made us a great nation.


  2. All great points by everyone writing!

    A few suggestions, as I have been learning new things since my "awakening" in Oct 2007...

    1) It all starts with Personal Responsibility. John is doing his part, by writing-expressing-developing his ideas, and then I suppose putting words into action!

    2) I am going to choose to live outside of the rules of society, as I don't want to be a part of the new socialist/fascist/tyranny of America. I don't mean I'm moving to the country, simply changing the rules by which I am governed.

    3) Study history for answers to modern problems. I have now read the real reasons for the collapse of Rome, the Weimar Republic & the rise of Hitler. Look to leaders of today & listen/understand their words. They all speak of "New World Order" / etc. There is no conspiracy, it's right out in the open but people, blinded by differences (parties, races, religions) are too confused to see or understand.

    4) Finally - a few helpful websites:
