Monday, March 9, 2009


I'm amazed that some people are amazed about what Obama is becoming. Why???? I'm amazed that they think he is becoming a socialist...I and many others saw it because he told us he was. He told Joe the Plumber he was, he told us all he was, but many didn't listen. They heard "HOPE" and "CHANGE" but didn't take the time to listen that hope, was something that he would destroy soon after he was in office and change was the change that he would install that would take us away from our fundamental ideals.

I was asked tonight after watching Glenn Beck, "What are we going to do to survive?". My answer was "I am not sure yet." I'm not, but I know that the answer lies in continuing with this blog. I am at best a mediocre writer, always have been and probably always will be, but I somehow feel that if I voice my thoughts I will get closer to that answer. At worst, I won't hurt anyone with my writing since it is not likely that many people are going to see it (for those of you that do...sorry). I also said that there is hope though and that there is a groundswell that I feel that will hopefully bring all conservatives together and ultimately give us such a strong voice that we can get politicians into office that will remember why they are there. Not like most of them now that understand that the reason we are here is that we're such idiots we will vote them back in with virtually no more effort than spending a couple of million on tv ads. That is the hope that I have...that there are enough people out there that become disgusted enough to start thinking...what fools they vote someone in because he is a great orator (and the Bama is a great orator when he has a teleprompter) and because they need to vote against someone because they were taught to hate his predecessor by the media (I think that Bush was deficit in many areas but he kept us safe, he kept the hounds of the baby killers at bay and he gave us a nice tax cut...kiss that good bye).

I hope that many more will join the "We Surround You" movement that is being put together by Glenn Beck and "The American Tea Party" that was inspired by Rick Santelli and others that I'm sure will gain in momentum. It is by this that we may keep this nation on an even keel. I heard Mary Matlin interviewed by Hugh Hewitt today and they were discussing what state the Republican party is in and could it survive without strong leadership in the present political climate. She stated something that I won't forget and that it is sometimes a good thing that there is no strong leadership at the top. It gives us all time to think and answer the important questions...what do we believe, what do we do to get back to where we belong and how do we watchdog our leaders so they don't get to a place again where they once again believe that we are like Lenin's "useless idiots" and will vote them in over and over only because they possess an "R" at the end of their name.

No, I don't know where I'm going with this blog, but I do know that I will know more as I ask those questions, seek answers and gain a trust again. I will get there and I hope all conservatives will get there and someday we will be able to say that we stand for good, we love God and are guided by Him and that evil is evil and be able to openly identify it.

Until next time,

Southern Patriot.



  2. I am proud to say that I am in progress of returning my SSN to the government. Still studying & researching, but I am starting to believe that this is the right direction I need to head to obtain a Sovereign Future. More information can be found at the links on our website or I'll put a few here on how to begin this process. This is definitely a personal choice & may not be the "right" choice for everyone, depending on circumstances. Websites: & &

  3. Truth thru Action INDEED!
    Like you I am not surprised at Obama. Nor would I have been surprised with McCain. It wasn't until after the election & reflecting, voting with a clear conscience, that I finally realized that my opinion, my vote, & my beliefs are no longer in line with about 80-90% of the country. If that be the case, so be it. I suppose you could consider me another example (like yourself) of Truth thru Action. I am currently studying how to give my SSN back to the government and reclaim my Sovereign Future, as a u.S.of A National. I will no longer fall victim under the current regime as a U.S. Citizen. I will share more in the future. Please John, keep writing...

  4. Good BLOG. I am not surprised by anything Obama has done. But I am really angry at the political games of many people who voted for him.

    PRIOR to the election said that it was RADICAL and EXTREMIST to call Obama a socialist based on his SAYING he would redistribute wealth, Or question his judgment and values knowing he not only attended a hate-filled church for more than 20 years with his wife, but took his prescious DAUGHTERS into that environment repeatedly.

    Now? The exact same people say "this is what America WANTED, this is what we voted FOR.

    No. It's not. And we all know it. American's voted for the huge lie they swallowed due to media spin and their own apathy. Very few voted for what we got.
