Saturday, February 28, 2009

WOW!!! I started this posting and do I have a lot of hate spewing out of me. I began a diatribe that made my eyes water and realized that wasn't what I wanted to convey now or in the future. I want to confront that which assails my rights, but not by slinging mud, something I have seen too much of in the past 8 years but rather by submitting truth and analyzing how I got there.

Observation: I have kept silent many times because I was afraid of the reaction I would get. Would I be derided? Would I be viewed as a crackpot with crazy ideas and a bent towards the extreme? I plead guilty to these. I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression. I am somewhat outspoken with a strong personality and have voiced my opinions on occasion but I am sorry for the times when with strong opposition I kept quiet. I regret those instances. I resolve not to repeat them.

Conclusion: I can no longer keep silent and will work towards a time where I can sensibly answer questions, comments and slurs with truth, knowledge and wisdom.

I am going to post this now since it has been too long since my last posting. It is a work in progress but I want to go forward not backwards.



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