Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Great Debate in the 53rd

We had a debate in the California 53rd Congressional District on Monday night, the 21st. I wanted to write something but just received the email below from Woody Woodrum and the response from Stephanie Jahn (pronounced like my first name). I can't say it any better other than to state that it brought clarity to me. The clarity was that the concept that we can win elections on the grassroots level was achievable. We can do this, we can win and we will triumph. Merry Christmas to all. Please, once again, listen to the podcast. The actual debate was professional and the venue was great...we put on a great show. Indendence Caucus and Eagle Forum ROCK!!!!


Here is the podcast:

Sent: Tue, December 22, 2009 1:16:38 PM
Subject: Re: [republican-512] EFSD & I-Caucus Sponsored Candidate
Forum / debatetonight; WOW!!!!!

The Debate will be aired and then save to the
podcast. It was wonderful to have the turnout we did,
the Candidates were very good, you got a strong sense
for who they were and where they stood. Thank you to
those who were able to make it, and I encourage those who
were not to listen to the show! Woody it was a genuine
pleasure to partner with Eagle Forum, thank you for your
caring support and continued patience as I grow and learn
about things. It hit me this morning that We The People
put on a debate, not the Party not some big company, but
the concerned citizens of the 53rd. We are taking back

Country and we will bring our Government back to the
people. All you have to do is DO IT! Not to big
to fail, and not to small to make a difference! The
American way!!!

God Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas!

Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 03:05:30-0500To:
>Subject: [republican-512] EFSD & I-Caucus

Sponsored Candidate Forum / debate tonight; WOW!!!!!

Eagle Forum San Diego (
and Independance Caucus (
sponsored a candidate forum tonight at the Vetrerans
Museum featuring candidates from the 53rd Congressional
district. This debate is part of the vetting process
for the 2 organizations to help allow their member and
the public get to know the candidates who want to
represent the conservatives in the district.

The 3Ms included Mason Weaver, Matt Freidman and
Michael Crimmons running in the 53rd Congressional

The event was moderated by KCBQs (AM1170) Rick Amato who, as always,
did a fabulous job. Rick will broadcast the debate on his show tomorrow night and put it up on pod cast for those who missed it. I hope everyone listens to Rick's show tomorrow night or the pod cast when they're

Other candidates I recall in attendance tonight to watch the action included Nick
Popovitch, Bruce Ruff, Christine Rubin and Larry Naritelli. Jay LaSuer, Jerry Kerr and Lori Zaph called to inform us they had other events tonight and would be
unable to attend.

Eagle Forum San Diego and the local chapter of Independance Caucus want to thank all the patriots of our organizations, Dawn Wildmans' Tea Party Coalition,
our 512 meetup group, Republican Party representatives, Women Federated, North County Conservatives, CRA, NRA, Gun Owners, SCORE, Salt and Light Council, Mens Center, and others who I know I'm missing out of the more than 100+ in attendance. Thank you all who showed up right before Christmas to participate and be good informed citizens. Many people apprached me and let me know they were walking away with a better understanding of the men running who want to represent the conservatives in San Diego's 53rd Congressional district. We heard some interesting things tonight and learned a lot about the candidates.

And a special thanks to a man I'm proud to call my friend; New York Myke, who
inspired us all and wrapped up the meeting as only he can with his special brand of conservatism.

Woody Woodrum
President Eagle Forum San Diego

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Change – real change?

Well, here he is again folks. The "Ghost Writer Extraordinaire". I always look forward to his rants. They seem to me to be well thought out and in depth. Tell us what you think also.

Have you all seen what has been going on! American’s have sounded off and obviously want change, but it doesn’t seem to be the change American’s want that the politician’s have in mind for us. The message does not seem to be sinking in to our representatives in Washington, D.C.

We have elections coming up next year. I only see one problem with this. My perspective on this is the following – everyone who is up for election should be ousted and replaced in Washington and locally where ever you are. They no longer deserve the honor of representing the American people. Republican’s or Democrat’s, whoever, it doesn’t matter, they have obviously lost touch with there constituents and are not following what the voters want to happen. The problem we now have is many of those running for office to replace those in office now are of the same caliber. Seeking to be professional politicians, jumping from one office to the next. Professional politicians are the last thing we need. Every American needs to really scrutinize everyone running for office. I think we now should not be voting specifically for Republican’s or Democrat’s but whoever seems to be the right person to represent us regardless of their political party. We just need to get them out of there after at the most 8 years. Let new blood in, new ideas and perspectives, but American perspectives.

One problem I see is the simple fact it has become too expensive for a normal everyday guy or gal to get elected in today’s world. A normal person with an itch to do some good can’t win, unless they find someone to bankroll them and obviously that is no good, going into office owing someone other than America. We need to figure out a way to get the little guy into office if they want to run and serve. The rich obviously have not done all that great a job for us. Someone with a real want to serve and help, someone who wants to change things, not for their own benefit but for the benefit of the American people should be allowed to run and compete with well funded folks.

I firmly believe anyone who has served in elected office for 8 years in Washington has been there too long and needs some new scenery, and not there. Term limits are great but most of these folks just run for another office. A professional politician, what kind of crap is that. We need to get some fresh talent. Obviously these well seasoned and experienced politicians have not done to well for us.

Right now the government seems to be focusing on health care and little else. I thought we were in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Are we now out of it? Is health care going to get us out of the recession? I don’t think so. Is it possible that Healthcare and a public option may make things worse? Keep in mind folks we got into this mess through our elected officials actions or inactions. If anyone hasn’t noticed government intervention is not something to crave or want in any area of life other than what was drafted in the constitution. Obviously there is a need for the government for certain things.

But look at there track record. Medicare and Medicaid are not sustainable, Social Security is not sustainable. The Postal Service does not seem to be sustainable. I remember when the Postal Service was the one thing in the government that actually made money, what happened? Yeah, I know technology.

Remember Bernie Madoff. Numerous governmental agencies were made aware of this scam years before it was brought to light. They all dropped the ball. This seems to be more of a trend for the government. Action taken after the damage is done. Knee jerk reactions. Keep in mind I am not asking for government intervention in everyday American lives but law enforcement and the other numerous regulatory agencies should have spotted this one with an in depth investigation or an investigation of any sort.

Here’s an idea, how about limiting the amount of money that can be spent on an election? This could allow others to enter the race. With technology today millions could be reached with the press of a button. Public debates, the internet all should be used more.

One light at the end of the tunnel. American’s seem to be getting involved more and more now. Taking more notice of what is going on around them. There seems to be a spark which may turn into a glowing ember and then possibly a fire, but it has to be sustainable. As Americans we can not sit on our behinds anymore. We need to be active and correspond with our politician’s more. Our politician’s need to be more responsive and I believe they should be more active in keeping in touch with their constituents. Not just watching the polls. How about coming out and seeing what is going on in America, not flying over it.

I know in California there is a movement to try to get a measure on the ballot to turn the full time Legislature into a part time one. I think this is a great idea and would be a good thing for California. If it happens it may be a wake up call for the rest of the nation. Do we really need to have a full time nanny Legislature trying to invent and propose programs for everything spend money on everything or regulate everything? I don’t think so. Let’s turn our full time nannies in Sacramento into part time California politicians. This might be a real sustainable change for California. You never know maybe less governmental intervention may be just what the doctor ordered. Maybe we can turn California into the Golden State again, instead of the setting sun state.

Heck American we have to make the change, get out there, research the candidates running, question the candidates and get out and vote!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ghost Writer

I have a very close person in my life that is absolutely blowing me away with his thoughts and perceptions. His name will be revealed later but for now he will be a
"Mystery Guest Blogger". Read what he has to say below and let us know what you think.

"July 4th, another Independence Day has come and gone. A special day! Fireworks, picnics and parades. Family gatherings, barbeques and kids playing on bouncers or swimming in pools. But is it all changing as we speak? Is a force at work to change the make–up of America as we know it in the air? Wafting down upon us, imperceptibly? The government wants to take on health care and solve it. This year no less. One problem there. Until the government can handle itself and its own responsibilities and bring its own fiscal house in order it certainly does not appear from the outset they will be able to do much with health care. They can however, make it worse, less effective, or more subjective for all.

Does this mean the new public health care system may drive the private sector of health care right out of business in the long run? Will the competitiveness of health care providers just slowly disappear? In part because of the government initially or later offering health care at a cheaper price? As every American then switches to the public system to save money? Looking for the best deal as we always do. That is part of the premise that the idea of America is based on. Hard work and effort, not entitlement creates wealth and prospers a nation!

If the government health care system were to be the only game in town, what then? Will the pharmaceutical companies stop striving to find new cures or medications for the ills of the nation with no incentive to create or research with no payoff? With no incentive who will pour the money into this research? The government? Will the research then just be based having a government job and going through the motions? Is that the ultimate goal? Granted the health care system is not perfect, far from it! But do we need a new system completely or do we just need to keep working on perfecting the existing one?

If in the end there is only the government run health care system where will the incentive be for doctors to excel in there profession? To look for new inventive ways of performing health care? Will it just be another government job? Will anyone want to be a doctor? Will the professionalism disappear? Or the expertise? Why will it be an enviable job? Or one anyone would want other than to have a safe government job? Will the government then outlaw malpractice law suits to reduce costs to the government? Will there be no redress for those the system has failed?

Will that in turn later make prices go up on the public health care system? What will it mean in the long run? As prices go up will those in power start making decisions on who is deserving of health care? Do you really need a hip replacement? You’re old!! We have a 35 year old who needs a kidney? Is he deserving? He is overweight and that is his fault! Are we coming to a time when others will be making the choices that affect our personal every day lives and the enjoyment of it? Granted health care is expensive? But is the government going to make it better?

Are we about to step over a line drawn in the sand on many different issues affecting our everyday lives and individual liberties? I have always believed the line in the sand was drawn there through the blood of those who served and died for this country and the many freedoms we enjoy. There continuing sacrifices for their nation keep anyone from crossing the line, currently. Will all there efforts and sacrifice be for not? Are we prepared to erase the line and let the government begin saying who is worthy of life and who is not? Making decisions for individuals rather than the nation as a whole.

I understand there are many who are trying to create Utopia in the United States and may have the best of intentions. But the harsh realities are there will always be a portion of the population who will be starving, a portion will be looking to steal from others and a portion will not be able to play well with others and need to be housed separately. There will be those who just plain don’t want any help and are perfectly happy with their current condition!

No Utopia will ever exist and certainly won’t when we are trying to help everyone else in the world when we don’t have Utopia at home. I understand our place in the world as a leader and the normal helping nature of our country and its citizens. But if Utopia doesn’t work at home how can we possibly make it work anywhere else?

America is truly the best place on earth to live. It may not be Utopia but those that believe it ever will be obviously live in glass houses and have had no interaction on a regular basis with those in the real world. Visiting the problem area or seeing it on TV is not the same as living and experiencing it. If America and the idea of America wasn’t the best place to be on earth people would stop coming here and trying to escape from their own country of origin.

A history lesson seems in order. Rome in its heyday was the icon and the shining city on the hill and the place to be in the world. They were the rulers and leaders of the world at the time. But I believe their idea of building a Utopian society fell short just as I believe ours will in time if we continue on the road we are on. As history many times repeats itself, it took years and years and others nipping at the heels of Rome before it began to crumble. Rome became weak and began letting others fight there battles for them. They got lazy! Everyone needs to understand the evils that men do and no matter how much we seek Utopia the shortcomings of men and women will make this impossible.

Corruption and greed amongst Rome’s leaders was rampant. I know in and of itself this may be very simplistic in comparison to the complex nature of things in today’s America but should we allow history to repeat itself or should we try to carve out a new history which doesn’t follow the old? One that although faulty in some ways as man is prone to create, but nonetheless something to build on. Why not shoot for the moon and try to create the shining city on the hill but also understand that man will never have Utopia. That is just a dream and we will have to settle for being just men and women and understand we cannot take care of everyone’s ills and hurts. We cannot create a level playing field for the entire nation. We need to help when we can but also understand all our efforts are not always met with acceptance or appreciation. Some don’t want help. We need to do our best but learn there are going to be those who no effort will help.

We can’t do this by throwing more money at the situation, or creating new programs, but by doing the best we can and make decisions which are for the benefit of all. Each man and women is entitled to work as hard as they can at seeking the American dream. That is what the American dream is about! The American dream can not be legislated into existence or given on a silver platter. The things we earn in life are not free. Freedom is not free! And the things we earn should not be redistributed to others to give them the American dream. Consider our children. When things are just given the value of the lesson of earning it disappear and an expectation of entitlement will only remain. Governments should not be making decisions for individuals in relation to there pursuit of happiness but to the enrichment of the entire country as a whole. We cannot get lazy and watch the America we know and love disappear into thin air like a feat of magic!

Remember the government is the same one where the experiment of providing the American dream (a home) to everyone whether they could afford it or not was tried. Notice the success of this program."