Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beginning My Journey

I guess the way to start is to lay a few thoughts down and begin the journey. It actually began while on my way to work. I was listening to Laura Ingraham's show and she had a blogger on (see that was not only posting but actually organizing meetings and organizing protest actions...yes, that's right, protests. That's for those crazy wackos we hear about isn't it??? The idea was just so intriguing to me it got me to this point. I think that we need to make a show...we need to go out and let people know our views...and we need to be active. I don't believe that we need to protest in the same manner but all us conservatives have is ourselves now...sure the "left" knows what we are doing but does the "man on the street"? Is the "man on the street" thinking the same thing as we are but says nothing because it is politically incorrect? I have been a "closet" conservative for quite some time. Angry and frustrated, listening to radio talk shows, watching Fox News, etc...but it just never felt right. I want to do more. I am not certain at this point in time that it's going to be organizing protests but I certainly am going to continue this. It already feels good!!! I think that I would like it to be a forum and listen to others and then see where it takes me/(us).

I want to confess that I'm an old fart that's just sitting out here and wondering where my country went. I don't recognize what I see anymore. I must also confess that I'm a child of the 60's who during my youth had a fairly liberal mind set and lifestyle. I grew out of that though and as this country (and world) became more politically correct I became less enamored of that lifestyle. I began to react to world that presented itself. Where had the pride in oneself gone, where was the pride in the family gone and why the hell did this whole world become "all about you"?

Anyway, I want to get this thing started. We need to form associations NOW and figure out how best to get together. I don't care if you a Democrat (I would prefer ex-Democrats), Libertarian, Republican or Independent. I do care if you are a leftie though!!! You are the one that I am fighting against, not because I fear you but because you support the ones I fear. This is all about do you love your country and are tired of what's going on. If you do love your country and your interested in like minded people and you want to explore what we can do let me know. Give me your ideas, let's get together and most important let's not let them win. Join me now through your comments. Let's get some dialog and meet soon. Let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I heard Liberty Belle on Laura Ingraham too and I was also motivated to get involved before liberalism takes over our country. Good job of starting a blog! Good luck!
